Category: Year in Review

2023 in review

In 202, I forgot to take notes about what I was doing during the year and thought I would remember everything when I wrote the review. I was wrong. At least I learned not to trust 100% in the memory and in 2023 I took notes. About the blog, I made a significant change. I […]

2021 in review

Although I didn’t post anything in this blog this year(😔), I decided to write the 2021 review because it was good to read the last year’s (2020) review a year later 😊. Books I read Machado de Asis a lot (and I want to keep reading 😜) I would like to highlight the book about […]

2020 in review

Since 2018 I have written a year in review on Twitter about some things that I did in the year. This year (2020) is the first time that I am doing that in this blog :). At the end of 2019, I decided that I would have a blog and it’s here. 2020 was an […]