2023 in review

In 202, I forgot to take notes about what I was doing during the year and thought I would remember everything when I wrote the review. I was wrong. At least I learned not to trust 100% in the memory and in 2023 I took notes.

About the blog, I made a significant change. I migrated from Gatsby to WordPress. Gatbsy is still a good tool, but I wanted to use the WordPress block editor and the experience so far is good.


  • O Poder Judiciário No Regime Militar (1964-1985)
  • Kapilavastu: 01 – Osamu Tezuka
  • Buddha, Volume 2: The Four Encounters: 02 – Osamu Tezuka
  • Macunaíma: O herói sem nenhum caráter – Mário de Andrade
  • Pensées – Blaise Pascal
  • A Construção Histórica do Racismo e a Luta Antirracista – Luciene Carla Corrêa Francelino
    • Writer from Espírito Santo (my state) 🤩
  • O Alienista – Machado de Assis
  • White Nights – Fiódor Dostoiévski


The only game I bought in 2023 was Vampire Survivors. Pleasant surprise. Simple and interesting game.


I published a new plugin to the WordPress official repository: Calculate Customer’s Savings. I had the idea of this plugin after I read a comment on Twitter and I decided to implement it without wasting much time in the development and publishing.


I hope to go to more in-person events (meetups and WordCamps) this year. Let’s see.

See you next year!